Tag: lock

  • How to use Key Card with Model 3

    Tesla Model 3 comes with two key cards, designed to fit in a wallet. Tap Model 3 key card on one of its card readers, located on the driver’s side door pillar and on the center console.

    To use a key card to unlock or lock Model 3, position the card as shown and tap it against the card reader located just below the Autopilot camera on the driver’s side door pillar.

    When Model 3 detects the key card, the exterior lights flash, the mirrors unfold or fold (if Fold Mirrors is on), the horn sounds (if Lock Sound Confirmation is on), and the doors unlock or lock.

    NOTE: You may need to physically touch the center console or driver’s side door pillar with the key card, and you may need to hold it against the transmitter for one or two seconds.

    Once inside, power up Model 3 by pressing the brake pedal within two minutes of scanning the key card.

    If you wait longer than two minutes, you must re-authenticate by placing the key card near the card reader located behind the cup holders on the center console. When your key card is detected, your two minute authentication period restarts.

    NOTE: Walk-Away Door Lock operates only when using an authenticated phone or passive key fob. When you walk away from Model 3 carrying your key card, Model 3 does not automatically unlock/lock, even if this feature is turned on (see Walk-Away Door Lock on page 14).

    CAUTION: Always carry your key card with you to use as a backup in case your authenticated phone has a dead battery, or is lost or stolen.